My Love Story at

Internet Dating, Love Story, Online Dating, Online Dating Love Story
2007 - was my lucky year. I think it was fate that brought me to this dating website

My friend used to work for this website in the HR Department. She was basically in-charge with the hiring of new employees. And that time, I was also actively looking for a job, so she told me to submit a resume to coz they were looking for Online Livehelp or Customer Service Representatives. Fortunately, I got the job! And started working as an Online Livehelp for 

Part of my job, was to go through the basic features of the website to make sure that the site is free of errors. 

November 2007, (I could not remember the exact date) it was another ordinary day at work completing my daily tasks, I went online at Webcam Chat to check for members who might need assistance or help using the website's features. 

While looking at the online members, I got starstruck with this serious-looking "Tall White and Handsome Man in Black"! :)

So, with no second thought, I initiated a conversation. Excitedly started with, "Hi Sir, how are you doin? Um, do you have any problems using the site's features?" :p Not bad for an intro, huh?! lol

Then, we talk, talk, and talk..... and this guy I used to call Sir became my friend. I was delighted & attracted! Well, coz he's handsome, nice... and dang, it was a torture not to feel excited talking to him. :p With all the efforts,  I tried my best to take it easy! I think growing up in the province, has left a little "Maria Clara Personality" in me, :D I had to bite my lips not to say "You are smokin' Hot". Honestly, I wasn't in a rush for something serious but I knew I was ready. It took years for my careful quest for love, so I exploited each opportunity of getting to know him better when he's available to talk. Nothing cheezy just casual talk, you know, as friends. So, Days had passed, months had passed, years had passed - we did get to know each other more and more each day. I even jotted down notes, like his birthday, his hometown... stuff like that. Seriously, it was like preparing for job application interview - you have to take notes of the company you are applying for to show that you are interested!

And, by the way, I did see this guy on a webcam not after a few months. Imagine that!? I was like... hmppff "A Hard-To-Get Handsome Guy" - I LIKE IT!!! One late afternoon, like a few minutes before leaving work, and I received an invitation to view his webcam. When this YM-Webcam-Mini-Screen Popped Up, I was like, "SHOOT!" Dios Miyo! You are ReaL!
So, anyways, here comes...
 2009 - Exciting Year! He is coming to the Philippines!!! I still could not believe that after two years of ON & OFF chatting with this foreign man, he finally decided to come and see me! Of course, I was Nervous! who doesn't.
Meeting in person with the man you have been talking online for years was a mixed feeling - it was awesome, exciting, happy, tensed up, causing me a palmar hyperhidrosis! :D 

We had a great time together, then he became my Boyfriend, officially! :) So, when he went back into the United States... we were back to online chatting again. The time difference between places can be a little challenging to have a constant communication. But we made it!

Read>> Online Dating Tips for Girls

2010 - He came into the Philippines again and this time I introduced him to my family. 

Read >> Introducing my foreign boyfriend to my family.

2011 - We got married!
I married a man who was so brave to fight for love in-spite of distance.
I married a man who made no promises but full of surprises. 
I married a loving man......  

My love story is just one of the many successful stories that started at Not everyone may get lucky with Internet Dating but I believe that Internet dating, or communicating with individuals via the Internet has helped finding friends or romantic partners among people of different geographic area.

~~ My Internet Love Story Ends ~~

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