SHADOW - My Dog My Buddy, My Dog My Best Friend

My Dog My Buddy, My dog My Best Friend
MY SHADOW - Born December 5, 2011

I am 28 years old now and it's my very first time to have a dog as my companion. His name is Shadow - an English Springer Spaniel, a very sweet loving dog. 

When he was a puppy, it was simply his cuteness can make me smile, especially when that night he came into our house, oh! he was such a darling, a beautiful puppy! My husband bought him from South Dakota, it was 12 hours trip by place before he came home. I was really very excited to finally have a dog and to feel what it's like to have a dog. However, after couple of weeks, having a puppy in our home took me to a point that taking him outside like an average of 15 times everyday (snow, rain, or shine) to potty was kinda making me tired already... it was like I was running out of patience taking care of our puppy. Coz back in the Philippines, dogs are treated just like an ordinary animals that stay outside the house, we do not potty train them, we do not buy them chew sticks, we do not buy them toys, and etc. It was so different, but I got used to it after few months. 

Take a look at Shadow's Puppy Pictures Here>> Shadow's Puppy Pictures 

My English Springer Puppy
My Baby Shadow - 4 Weeks Old
SHADOW - My Dog My Buddy, My Dog My Best Friend
With Shadow - 4 Months Old @Havre MT
I continued taking him out for a walk, taking him out to potty, and everyday he's with me, he's like my tail that goes wherever I go. So, months & months have passed, I have realized that each day my love for this dog continues to grow and my feeling of compassion for this dog was completely forged. He did not only made me smile by his cuteness but by those days that I though I was alone by myself in the house, Shadow was actually there for me to accompany me. When those times I was caught up working on something in my computer, my dog was right there beside me waiting for me to pet him or he even just put his head on my lap and stared at me. When those crying moments, my shadow was there and just wiped out my tears with his tongue! :) And honestly, while writing this blog, It puts me to tears, and I have realized how amazing God's creation can become - even without his physical presence, he can give us comfort without realizing it. And now, I love my dog very much, i love my shadow, my best friend, my buddy!

And for those who love dogs out there, I found this very inspiring story. I think I gotta share this!!! :)

Inspirational Friendship Story - My Dog, My Buddy

An old man and his dog were walking down this dirt road with fences on both sides, they came to a gate in the fence and looked in, it was nice - grassy, woody areas, just what a 'huntin' dog and man would like, but, it had a sign saying 'no trespassing' so they walked on.

They came to a beautiful gate with a person in white robes standing there. "Welcome to Heaven "he said. The old man was happy and started in with his dog following him.

The gatekeeper stopped him. "Dogs aren't allowed, I'm sorry but he can't come with you." "What kind of Heaven won't allow dogs? If He can't come in, then I will stay out with him. He's been my faithful companion all his life, I can't desert him now. " "Suit yourself, but I have to warn you, the Devil's on this road and he'll try to sweet talk you into his area, he'll promise you anything, but, the dog can't go there either. If you won't leave the dog, you'll spend Eternity on this road " So the old man and dog went on.

They came to a rundown fence with a gap in it, no gate, just a hole. Another old man was inside. "Excuse me Sir, my dog and I are getting mighty tired, mind if we come in and sit in the shade for awhile?" "Of course, there's some cold water under that tree over there. 

Make yourselves comfortable " "You're sure my dog can come in? The man down the road said dogs weren't allowed anywhere." "Would you come in if you had to leave the dog?" " No sir, that's why I didn't go to Heaven, he said the dog couldn't come in. We'll be spending Eternity on this road, and a glass of cold water and some shade would be mighty fine right about now. But, I won't come in if my buddy here can't come too, and that's final. "

The man smiled a big smile and said "Welcome to Heaven." "You mean this is Heaven? Dogs ARE allowed? How come that fellow down the road said they weren't?" "That was the Devil and he gets all the people who are willing to give up a life long companion for a comfortable place to stay.

They soon find out their mistake, but, then it's too late.

The dogs come here, the fickle people stay there. GOD wouldn't allow dogs to be banned from Heaven.

After all, HE created them to be man's companions in life, why would he
separate them in death?"

Earl Hammer
The Twillight Zone

Here's some pictures of my very loving english springer spaniel dog - SHADOW.

SHADOW - My Dog My Buddy, My Dog My Best Friend

SHADOW - My Dog My Buddy, My Dog My Best Friend
Trip to Havre - Shadow fell asleep on dada's lap

SHADOW - My Dog My Buddy, My Dog My Best Friend
He likes to just stare or lay around with you

SHADOW - My Dog My Buddy, My Dog My Best Friend
Healthy Teeth, Healthy Dog

SHADOW - My Dog My Buddy, My Dog My Best Friend
Kisses to Dada



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