Dog makes a Good Companion

9th of January - Shadow came to our lives. They say, "Dog is a man's best friend"

Is it really true? I have never owned a dog in my entire life since a cute English Springer Spaniel puppy came to my life. My husband travels a lot for a living, so he decided to have a dog for my companion when he's gone. Before, we found Shadow (the name of our springer dog), my husband had been looking for a springer spaniel puppy online for over 3 months.

Shadow was such a cutie little puppy. He sits on your lap for hours when you're watching TV. He is a very loving dog and affectionate. He is friendly and continues to amuse us everyday. Shadow is my buddy, I love him, and he makes me happy!

So, you may get different answers to the question depending on who you talk to, but the truth is, Yes, dog is a man's best friend. People might come and go, but dogs will always be there to lick & slobber on your face when you're sad, as they call it the "Puppy Kisses" or "Dog Kisses". 

Why do dogs make such good companions though?

Dogs are about as loyal as they come. You won't find another pet that will be there for you like a dog will.  When I came to Montana, I couldn't drive, No public transportation (the area where I live), so I had to stay in the house for the most part. The 5-Months stay in this kind of place where you can't do much was almost getting boring. But, when Shadow came, everything changed. I might not have friends whom I can call everyday to accompany me, but I have a fun and loving dog who goes for a walk with me, sits on my lap when I watch TV, waiting at my bedroom door excited to see me, wagging his tail thousand miles per minute when he sees me coming home, and who warns when he sees a stranger. If you want to know when a storm is coming or if the house is on fire, get a dog. A dog will let you know these things without even thinking about it.

Dating and Relationship Tips for Girls: Filipina Girls who come to the United States and live in a place like Montana, if you get bored spending a lot of time in the house alone. Get a dog!

Cute Puppy, Dating and Relationship Tips for Girls, English Springer Spaniel, Loving Dog, loving springer dog, springer dog

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