I moved to the U.S. from the Philippines five years ago and got married to a wonderful & hard-working man. Now, happily married and blessed with our adorable Shadow (brown & hairy English springer spaniel). Life in the U.S. is very comfortable and you can afford pretty much anything you want as long as you work hard & smart. But how did I end up as a fitness coach?? Well, I lost control and indulged myself to all the mouth-watering foods as if it was my last day on earth; gaining over 40 lbs was easy. I tried to get back in shape few years ago; I went to the gym, I did Zumba classes, I ran. However, the motivation wasn’t just there & I kept failing.

My dad had a stroke with a 50% chance of surviving at a very young age of 47. I didn’t want that to happen to me. On January 3, 2017, with no hesitation, I joined Beachbody as a “Discount Coach” and started my journey right away with a 21 Day Fix program. My husband introduced me to Stephanie (my amazing Coach!), so that’s how I got here. I was 140.02 lbs when I started. I took a picture of me and it was scary. All the crap I fed into my body was not good. So, I am sincerely thankful that I took that 1st step to change my lifestyle. Because I really want to be healthy not just for myself but also for my family (for my husband, family in the Philippines, and my dog).

With dedication and the motivation I get from the Challenge Group, I’m down to 124.8 lbs on February 3, 2017. Yes! I lost 15.96 lbs in 30 days!!! I love it so much; the result even motivates me more. As my fitness journey progresses, I also noticed that I inspired some of my friends, family, & other people online (thanks to technology). Currently, I have a team working out with me & helping each other to reach our fitness goals (the more, the merrier!). The fact that I am inspiring other people, I am also earning EXTRA income which is a life blessing. By this means, I am able to extend more help to my family.

So it all comes down to one simple thing: How bad do you want it?

Need to get seriously shredded in the shortest time possible? Check out 21 Day Fix Extreme!!!
Or see how this video will help you!!!!! >> goo.gl/Nq8Okt

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