Everything is Big in America!

Dear Filipina Girls,

When you come to America, you will be surprised with the sheer size of everything. Things, Drinks, especially Foods - are Extremely BIG!!!

Barbecue in America, Big Barbecue Meat in the US
The  American Barbecue - can be larger than your face!
Let's say, if you go McDonalds-America vs. McDonalds-Philippines, when you order for a Small Drink (Sprite, Coke) that's considered a Large Drink in McDonalds-Philippines!

Here's one of my unforgettable experience. My husband and I had breakfast at Montana City Grill with my Grandparents-in-Law. I ordered Pancakes (Short Order Only!) meaning the smallest size order of their Pancakes. When my order was served, I was like Whhaatt??! Is this really a Short Order?? As in, It's extremely BIG, It's not even funny, - I got 2 BIG-plate-size of pancakes! I could not eat all of it, had only like 1/4 of a one Pancake and I was done. Plus, I had scrambled eggs, coz I really did not expect to get a Small Order of Pancake that Big!

The Pancakes serve at Jollibee-Philippines were not even half of the Short-Order Pancakes at Montana City Grill.
Giant Burger in American, Beef Burger
The American Burger - this is just a 1 Patty Burger, not even 2 yet!

American Size Eggplant, American Size Empanada, Size in America is Big
The American Size Eggplant & the American Size Empanada

Life in America is Big, Fat, & Abundant. Sometimes, I do wish that my family in the Philippines lives in America too, so they could experience the abundance of everything and enjoy a comfortable life in America.

Dating Tips for Girls: Go for Small Order or Short Orders - these are considered as Large Orders in the Philippines. And watch what you eat or you'll get BIG too! :p

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