Filipinos Love Siomai

filipinos love siomai
 4th of May

I love Siomai,

Filipinos Love Siomai

Few weeks ago, hubby had a lunch with colleagues at Red Parrot Asian Bistro. "Oh it was pretty good" he said! and I said, "hmmp"!

I knew he's gonna take me to Red Parrot Asian Bistro and he did! We went to Red Parrot Arlington, everything on the menu looked really good to me. I was going back and forth with the Thai Pattaya Seafood and Katsudon. I was, "Can I just order everything?"
Anyways, we had the Spicy Shrimp Sushi, Happy Family (Jumbo shrimp, scallop, chicken & beef sautéed with mixed vegetables in brown sauce), it was a huge plate for a Filipina woman like me! Burp! :) I super love the Spicy Shrimp Sushi, the Happy family was okay for me but my husband love it!

Then I had quick glance at the appetizer menu, I saw the Siopao.. I kept reading.. I was like omg! it's SIOMAI!!! It's siomai... it's my favorite! it's famous in the Philippines, I wanna have it too! I couldn't describe my feeling that time, it was like not seeing a good friend for a very long time.

Siomai is a dimsum of Chinese origin, made of shrimp and pork wrapped with small wanton or siomai wrapper. We, filipinos love siomai!

The Siomai in Red Parrot Asian Bistro taste a little different, but it was good. The sauce was different too and not spicy. In the Philippines or the Filipino style Siomai ~  Siomai is dipped in a Chili Paste and it's very very good and very very spicy!!!

Filipino Siomai is made of ground pork, water chestnuts,  carrots, minced onions,  spring onions , egg, sesame oil,  freshly ground pepper, and salt. And, filipino style siomai sauce is made of soy sauce, lemon, sesame oil, & chili paste.

Overall, the siomai at Red Parrot Asian Bistro made my weekend's foodgasm!

To Filipinos , if you're in America or just came to America and craving for Siomai, go to Red Parrot Asian Bistro!


  1. Congratulations on your move to Alexandria! I LOVE sushi...that spicy shrimp sushi sounds amazing. :) My friend from Hong Kong taught me how to make easy pork dumplings, and everybody is crazy about them now. Sounds like you know good food!

  2. Hey Danie, thank you! Pork Dumplings are nummy!!!! I Love the chicken and vegetables dumplings too!

    One thing is good about Alexandria, an ample variety of good food choices is available. Im looking forward to go to a good Thai restaurant and Korean Restaurant. I miss the beef korean bbq!

  3. Hey Danie, thank you! Pork Dumplings are nummy!!!! I Love the chicken and vegetables dumplings too!

    One thing is good about Alexandria, an ample variety of good food choices is available. Im looking forward to go to a good Thai restaurant and Korean Restaurant. I miss the beef korean bbq!
