Another great year and counting...

 Today, marks another year of being married to the man who made all our “chats” a reality! I constantly look back on those days and those memories when we started our life together and they always make me smile -- so unique, sweet, challenging, encouraging, and educating.

Before I left Cebu:
I was very excited, happy, also nervous, and could not wait to see him. While, the feeling of missing my family was there too, it was a mixed emotion. As soon as I received my plane ticket, I started packing all my stuff right away, all summer clothes, flip flops, sandals. I had NO clue what Montana was like! #LessonForMe #Educating Who cares about the research, Ill be seeing Mr. Hottie in few days!

The #sweet part is, I got a biggle bag of UA cold gear, more jeans, and etc!

In Amerika
At Las Vegas airport, saw him right away… that smile.. shaved and very neat (as always).. soo good-looking man! “Kilig to the bones” my heart was like beating “togodog togodog x1000 per second” and in my mind “wow wow, im really here now.. no joke.. wow hhooh”.

We flew together to Montana. and hmmmm…
As I am remembering and writing this. I was like WOW!! I was really very shy that time in comparison today! I remember he asked me what I want for food and I said ummm hmm wheat bread, green apples (period). I don’t know what happen to my precious “RICE” that time.

I saw microwave, vacuum cleaner, washer. Oh Great! because I used them in the Philippines all the time. hmmm

#Challenging  Before, I was too sensitive and cried when he says the F words. Now, I could care less if he says all the ABCD FFFFF. #GettingHisJokesNow #BigFan.

I was worried that I was not going to get a decent job when I moved to America. Yet, he encouraged me and pushed me to try applying for a job that I deserve. My very first job interview when he said ”Don’t worry you will do great” J #myheartsmiling

Life from where I came from vs the Life he gave me was magically different.
I have learned a lot because he showed and taught me things.
He helped me gained confidence and not be afraid (which I probably still need help with it and will always do – just the way I am).
He stood by me and fought my fight.


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